
【法國 Air Liquide 液空集團】2024新鮮人職缺

2024 Air Liquide 新鮮人計劃現開跑囉!新鮮人計劃在你職業生涯的初期提供絕佳機會,透過18個月密集培訓、專案參與及輪調,讓你深入了解氣體產業加速您的職涯發展,成為專業領域的明日之星。

為讓各位同學能掌握最細節的資訊,我們將於5/13 12:00 - 13:00 舉辦線上說明會,歡迎點選下方連結報名,與我們相見歡!

Air Liquide Far Eastern, a joint venture established in 1987 by the Air Liquide Group and Taiwan Far Eastern Group, currently employs around 580 people in Taiwan with more than 40 production facilities and service locations throughout the island and in major science parks in Taiwan. Inheriting innovative products, technologies and services from the parent companies, Air Liquide Far Eastern has gradually expanded the variety of gas supply and services for the Taiwanese electronics industry, general industry, medical industry, as well as home care, thus securing a vital position in Taiwanese gas market.


◆ 招募對象:
  ⊙ 電機、電子工程碩士畢業、工作資歷≤3年
  ⊙ 良好英文溝通能力,優秀學科成績
  ⊙ 對氣體產業有興趣,具敏銳學習、快速應用數位工具、團隊協作能力
  ⊙ 需配合台灣地區輪調

◆ 報名方式:

◆ 徵選方式 及 時程:
  ⊙報名時間 : 即日起至 2024/05/13 止
      1. 參加線上說明會:2024/05/13 12:00-13:00
      2. 繳交書面審核資料
      3. 資料審核通過者,受邀參加實體面談:2024/06/13

◆ 職缺資訊:
    ⊙ 職缺地點:全台各地,將依面談結果進行安排
    ⊙ 職缺領域:專案工程

◆ 報名參加05/13線上說明會:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeY3vl02YNaaunqM38wVGZcZ-NXVWbLTjYYEBx1qslBCNJMTg/viewform

◆ 液空集團職涯網站投遞履歷:https://airliquidehr.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/zh-TW/AirLiquideExternalCareer/job/XMLNAME-2024-Graduate-Trainee-Program-Electrical-Engineering-field----_R10043171-1




Best regards,

馮竣翔 Andy FONG



Andy FONG  -  Talent Acquisition Specialist 

APAC HR - Talent Acquisition CoE

Air Liquide Group.

(02) 7734 2925
