
【系級國際交換】南韓-高麗大學 (Korea University)-Spring Semester 2023 (收件截止日期:2022/9/1)

申請表格:1.交換生申請表(https://iaa.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/104/1104/img/3035/117058286.doc); 2. 歷年成績單(中文); 3. 語言能力證明(例:多益、托福等)。
▪ Must be a currently enrolled student
▪ A minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (GPA by US standard)
▪ Undergraduates must have completed a minimum of 2 semesters at their home institution before the Nomination/Application starts (Transferred undergraduates: 1 semester)
* Transcripts including the second semester that are issued during or after the application period are not acceptable
▪ Fluency in either Korean or English (evidence of language proficiency not required)
▪ G.P.A conversion certificate or certification letter signed by the home university coordinator