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Congratulations! Prof. Chih-Yung Wu and Prof. Wen-Lih Chen led Bo-Yi Hu, Chia-Yu Chang, Yi-Chu Chen, and Tse-Hao Wang winning the silver prize of 2020 National Clean Technology and Innovation Competition!

Congratulations! Prof. Chih-Yung Wu and Prof. Wen-Lih Chen led Bo-Yi Hu, Chia-Yu Chang, Yi-Chu Chen, and Tse-Hao Wang winning the silver prize of 2020 National Clean Technology and Innovation Competition! The work's concept is integrating a Swiss roll catalytic reactor with a double special spiral structure and a low-temperature Stirling engine to generate power. The versatile low-temperature combustor can burn green fuels such as dimethyl ether, methane, and syngas. 


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